Who’s Who?
Vicar: Revd. Mark Haworth
Licensed Lay Minister: Ellen Leeke (07485226355; [email protected])
Authorised Lay Minister: Sara Millward
PCC (Parochial Church Council)
PCC Members: Robert Leeke, Tim Hill, Ellen Leeke, Nicola Riley, Sue Hill, Chrissie Fenwick,
Sara Millward, Tim Millward, Thomas Ndoro, Co-opted Treasurer: Matthew Sexton
Churchwardens: Tim Hill (07770918883), Robert Leeke (07774017559)
Secretary: Nicola Riley
Treasurer: Matthew Sexton ([email protected])
Parish Safeguarding Officers:
Sue Hill (07767037544), Chrissie Fenwick
Health and Safety Representatives: Church Wardens
Verger: David Leeke
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Visitors: Sara Millward, Ellen Leeke, David Leeke
Please contact Pastoral Visits coordinator Sara Millward if you would like to arrange a visit
Prayer Ministry Team: Ellen Leeke, Tim and Sue Hill, Tim and Sara Millward
Homegroup leader
Tim Millward
Children & Youth
Junior Church Co-ordinator: Ellen Leeke
Junior Church leaders/helpers: David Leeke, Sue Hill, Ellen Leeke
Youth Group: [vacant]
Little Bears: Ellen Leeke
Messy Church: Ellen Leeke
Baptism Families Co-ordinator: Ellen Leeke
Sunday Services
Worship Leader: Ellen Leeke (most songs sung to YouTube videos)
Organists: Miriam Brown, Margaret Leeke
Regular Preachers:
Retired Priest: The Reverend Canon Stephen Leeke (usually 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month)
LLM: Ellen Leeke (usually once or twice a month)
Occasional Preacher: Tim Millward (once a term)
Welcomers & Side Person: Sue Hill, Sara Millward, Jen Hilton-Thomas, Nicola Riley, Bob Fenwick
Refreshment Team: Sue Hill, Sara Millward, Chrissie Fenwick, Yvonne Hall
News Sheet Editor: Jen Hilton-Thomas
Other contacts:
Electoral Roll Officer: Miriam Brown
Flowers Co-ordinator: Sara Millward
Steeplekeeper: Tim Millward
Webmaster: Ellen Leeke
Vicar: Revd. Mark Haworth
Licensed Lay Minister: Ellen Leeke (07485226355; [email protected])
Authorised Lay Minister: Sara Millward
PCC (Parochial Church Council)
PCC Members: Robert Leeke, Tim Hill, Ellen Leeke, Nicola Riley, Sue Hill, Chrissie Fenwick,
Sara Millward, Tim Millward, Thomas Ndoro, Co-opted Treasurer: Matthew Sexton
Churchwardens: Tim Hill (07770918883), Robert Leeke (07774017559)
Secretary: Nicola Riley
Treasurer: Matthew Sexton ([email protected])
Parish Safeguarding Officers:
Sue Hill (07767037544), Chrissie Fenwick
Health and Safety Representatives: Church Wardens
Verger: David Leeke
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Visitors: Sara Millward, Ellen Leeke, David Leeke
Please contact Pastoral Visits coordinator Sara Millward if you would like to arrange a visit
Prayer Ministry Team: Ellen Leeke, Tim and Sue Hill, Tim and Sara Millward
Homegroup leader
Tim Millward
Children & Youth
Junior Church Co-ordinator: Ellen Leeke
Junior Church leaders/helpers: David Leeke, Sue Hill, Ellen Leeke
Youth Group: [vacant]
Little Bears: Ellen Leeke
Messy Church: Ellen Leeke
Baptism Families Co-ordinator: Ellen Leeke
Sunday Services
Worship Leader: Ellen Leeke (most songs sung to YouTube videos)
Organists: Miriam Brown, Margaret Leeke
Regular Preachers:
Retired Priest: The Reverend Canon Stephen Leeke (usually 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month)
LLM: Ellen Leeke (usually once or twice a month)
Occasional Preacher: Tim Millward (once a term)
Welcomers & Side Person: Sue Hill, Sara Millward, Jen Hilton-Thomas, Nicola Riley, Bob Fenwick
Refreshment Team: Sue Hill, Sara Millward, Chrissie Fenwick, Yvonne Hall
News Sheet Editor: Jen Hilton-Thomas
Other contacts:
Electoral Roll Officer: Miriam Brown
Flowers Co-ordinator: Sara Millward
Steeplekeeper: Tim Millward
Webmaster: Ellen Leeke